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Find ​Your Feath​ers​​ 
Metaphysical Services
Reiki-Oracle Readings- Crystals


Making the Decision

Awareness can prompt the consideration of change. Becoming aware is the first step to making a decision. Even before we are ready to make a choice to set out on a new course, head in a different direction, we have indeed still made a decision. Yet, often times it helps to have a guide to make life's big & small decisions. We can help make that a little easier. When contemplating changes in our lives we can become overwhelmed and paralyzed by fear of the unknown (divorce, desertion, substance overuse, boredom and more). Let us walk beside you.. Holding space for you to find yourself again.  

Freedom to be authentic Self

Self Discovery

When embarking on a journey to distant unknown shores we can feel alone & lacking any real support. Our families and friends are often baffled or confused about why we would want to change anything. "Your life is so perfect", they say. With all of the division & separation in this world today it is comforting to know that there are people out here who get it! Really Get it!! We are here to share with you what we have learned about ourselves, our lives and how to live with intention. As you set out to discover who you are, what you want and what brings you joy we are here to support and guide you. we coach and cheer you on every step of the way. You are not the roles you play (mother, father, sister, brother, store clerk, CEO) You Are so much more than that. Let's discover the true depths of who you are together. "Do not fear the self as it has always been with you, surviving & thriving even when you could not see"-Featherly. 

Soul Purpose  & Soul Mastery

Reconnecting to our Soul's Purpose is a realignment with those parts of ourselves we have let go of.  Through our domestication (upbringing, education, trauma, generational wounds & more) we have learned to disconnect from a Source energy, from our bodies and even from our soul's purpose for incarnating on the Earth at this time. Having found yourself here whether through curiosity or suggestion you are ready to heal and reawaken to the calling of your Soul. Let your unschooling begin, challenge your head full of  lies and find your true purpose with our support. We are holding a safe space for you.  

Higher Understanding
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